Divisional Revenue Collection

Student Life has a variety of methods for collecting revenue. To establish a new Event Set-up, Product or Storefront, please see the information below and complete the Qualtrics form to begin the process.

Drop Box

Student Life Business Services has a drop-box for collection of cash and checks within your department for receipt of payments that can’t be accepted electronically. Contact Cassie Yeager at cayeager@ua.edu or your budgetary liaison for location of the drop-box.

Checks and Cash dropped should be enclosed in an envelope and contain:

  • the yellow copy of a triplicate receipt written in your office
  • the FOAP where the deposit should be reported, if known.
  • any other relevant information needed to accurately make the deposit.

Credit Card Terminal

Student Life Business Services has a credit card terminal that can be loaned to Student Life departments. To request to check-out the terminal, contact Cassie Yeager, SL Business Services Program Manger.

PCI Compliance training must be completed by all staff who will be handling the Credit Card Terminal. See the PCI Compliance Page for additional information for this training.

Event Revenue